I don’t think that means what you think it means.

To make a short story long, because that’s kind of my jam, let me tell you a little bit about the way that public schools work these days. Well, at least in the great state of California.

In an effort to help keep our kids healthy and fight the legitimate obesity epidemic facing our children, sugar is pretty much banned at schools. Specifically on birthdays. I remember as a kid, we brought cupcakes and it was a fun little party for us. And, I DO get that doing this 25 times a year is probably not the healthiest option for kids.

But, what has happened, is that we are encouraged to send non-edible items for our kids to share with the class. Which, to me, is worse. Because 25 times a year (50 for me, since I’ve got 2 kids), little goodie bags of pencils, erasers, stickers, temporary tattoos and some sort of noise maker come home.

So, in my effort to defy this new convention, I refuse to buy goodie bags (which aren’t cheap!) and, instead, turned to Oriental Trading to buy little plush characters for the kids to take to their classes.

And while I’m pro-tipping you here, please note that Oriental Trading resells on Amazon, so you can get free Prime shipping on these little goodies.

My son took Minecraft buddies in November.

I mean, that’s kind of adorable, right? Even if Minecraft isn’t your jam.

Well, my daughter’s 6th birthday was here and she needed to pick her item. It would shock no one who knows her to know she wanted little cats. And we found some really cute ones for under $2 a piece.

While adorning them with little tags for her birthday (because presentation matters, people), though, I noticed the packaging and had quite a chuckle.

REALISTIC plush cats, it says

As previously discussed, I like cats as much as anyone. But, I can definitely tell you that this is decidedly not realistic. Cute, yes. Realistic, no.

Unlike these cats of nightmares you can get on aliexpress for $27.

But, it got me thinking, I bet there are all kinds of hilarious advertising fails on the internet. And, boy, did the internet not disappoint.

So, for your Wednesday enjoyment – my favorite advertising fails:

But it sure is aspirational, isn’t it?
But, okay, for cat people, this IS pretty funny.
To be fair, percentages are confusing. Someone must have forgotten to cross multiply.
Although, I’m picturing cats and dogs at the scale of these to the trees, and that’s a pretty terrifying alternative version of the Jurassic period.
Okay, so I know this one’s not really an advertising fail, but that image of the scissors needed to release the scissors made me for-real LOL for a solid 30 seconds. So, it made the list.
I'm cry
Yours truly, Oleander

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